What is Mazafati Dates?

It’s hard to find something that, in the meantime, has unimaginable cultural significance, immeasurable nutritious worth, hundreds of fun recipes built around it, and still be available at the fingertips at a relatively low cost. Yes, Iranian Dry Fruits and Nuts like “Mazafati Dates” – a.k.a “Rutab” or “Kimia Dates” – is all of those in one sentence, and now I’m a true believer in miracles!

For eons, from the golden-ages of the Persian world-conquering Achaemenid empire to the current timeline, Mazafati dates have never been ruled out or forgotten in the great land of Persia and in the dishes it people prepared. The tie is far stronger and unbreakable to be compromised by such a silly thing as time.

All There’s to Know About Iranian Mazafati Dates

Only the best experts can tell the difference between different types of Mazafati dates laid out on a single plate, and the reason is quite clear: they look too damn alike. And, even if you’re by some magical way have the ability to tell them apart, having dried Mazafati dates or semi-dried dates and fresh ones makes the whole recognizing the types thing an exhausting brain and eye activity. So, let’s break them down as slowly and distinctively as possible.

First of all, all Iranian Mazafati dates have almost the same color; a dark-knight hue on the fairly-soft exterior with slightly brighter colors on the poles where the seed is less surrounded by the meat. If somebody suddenly stumbles upon them on a surface with more vivid colors, Mazafati dates can be mistaken for a pebble or smaller-sized insect.

Mazafati dates, or Kimia dates as the naming formalities are headaches, usually contain higher humidity levels (around 15 to 35% depending on the harvest semester), and their syrupy and juicy meat explodes at first bite so not much nuisance in chewing down these delicious treats. The crust isn’t too tough, and the oil and the syrupy flesh is not to be spoken light of – since in some parts date oil is bought and sold.

The Kimia dates often grow between 5.2 and 5.4, but it’s not set in stone, and the growth meter can vary depending on the side, the climatic elements, farming methods, and the harvest time. For example, we have witnessed Mazafati dates as small as 2.5 centimeters.

Mazafati Dates also known as: 

  • Kimia Dates 
  • Rutab/rotab Dates
  • khajur/khajoor dates 

Mazafati Dates Suppliers

All of the Noshid Dates and Noshid suppliers come from the sweltering fiery regions in the south, where drylands cover the horizon and rearrange the locals’ facial expressions into something grim. Yet, in the face of the heat, the unexpected kind nature and baffling smiles of these sun-stricken flock surprise all, which can be also said about the moment when the fatty Mazafati date meat touches the tongue.

Farmers around key production points like the city of Bam and other production hotspots in Kerman province like Jiroft and Kahnuj form the leading Noshid suppliers and yield hundreds of tons of precious Mazafati dates each year. Their brothers-in-crime from Sistan and Baluchestan province, which is only a couple-of-hours ride away from Kerman, pack up the rest of the annual harvest and sum up Noshid’s Mazafati date reserves that will be exported in the following months.

The purchased Mazafati dates from across the sites and farmers’ lands are brought to Noshid’s headquarters where they are segregated. However, some of the containers include mixed dates from different varieties making them the best yield for the company’s mixed-container offer. Noshid does this based on order and under a week’s times, gathering different dates variants from different farm sites in different cities and exporting them in a appealing and standardized packaging. For more information on the mixed-container offers please contact the support team.

Mazafati Dates Benefits

Many doctors and health-experts sound obsessed with the benefits mashed in Iranian Mazafati dates and how the little dark-themed dry-land fruits can pretty much cure – or at least help – in remedying basic – and sometimes severe – illnesses in the medical textbook. If it was up to them, they would hold a gun to our heads and forced us to swallow a Mazafati date per day for a better health condition. Well, not to be melodramatic, but it looks like there’s no way around it; a date per day is on the table and a terrific way to stay healthy.

Mazafati dates hold healthy potassium levels, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, a wide range of vitamins (like A, B complex), and other nutritious variants. These, locally known as Rutabs dates, are rich in antioxidant elements and widely accepted as an organic anti-cancer element.

Here’s a list of the medical and health benefits that come with regular intake of Mazafati dates (daily):

  • Dates for Diabetes (decreases blood sugar level)
  • Increased immune system capacity and ferocity
  • Chopped-sized mini energy snacks with the potential of getting an adult through a day
  • Iron and phosphorus components necessary to fight and the treatment of memory loss and Anemia
  • High-level concentrations of potassium and vitamin A to prevent indigestion diseases and improve overall skin condition
  • Significant fiber masses beneficial to the cure of constipation, making “Phoenix Dactylifera” a potent laxative food.
  • Incredible in preventing stomach acid levels from rising
  • Fresh ones (not the semi-dried examples) make up a hefty and energetic meal if complemented with milk in fasting periods
  • May boost brain health and physical strength

And here are some percentages of the nutritional values in a kilogram of Mazafati dates:

  • Carbohydrates – 510 g
  • Sugars – 460 g
  • Dietary Fiber – 260 g
  • Fat – 56 g
  • Magnesium – 600 mg
  • Iron – 3 mg
  • Vitamin A –
  • Vitamin B1 – 0.77 mg
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.84 mg
  • Vitamin B7 – 18.9 mg

Noshid’s Mazafati Dates Prices

Every exporter runs specific quality milestone tests when one wants to begin its export journey. At Noshid, the standards are as high as it gets and they take it extremely seriously. Nothing is looked over, and the whole team puts in the effort to not miss even the tiniest detail in the pre-shipment quality test. With such precise supervision in motion, it’s only fair for Noshid to charge its own prices and stick to its guns. For a summary rundown of the prices on each Mazafati date, please take a look at Noshid’s Mazafati dates page, where you can find a complete price list.

The Harvest Method and Season

With the global market looking upon Iran and its harvest yields – and since Iran produces nearly 20% of the market demand – the harvesting season becomes more important for anyone who is somehow related to the exportation and consumption of the Mazafati dates. The stakes rise when it comes to plucking the palm trees around the natural oases in the historic city of Bam, where the mouth-watering Bam dates are collected each year.

Under typical situations (no Covid-19 pandemic or any climatic abnormality), the cultivation season ends in late-August or early-September, and that’s when farmers gear up with their specialized equipment to cut down the stacks. Only in the Bam region, the impressive number of 28000 hectares of palm trees gathers hundreds of locals to officially start the harvesting season. It’s worth mentioning that a fifth of these lands is covered with younger palm trees. The brutal weather accompanied by mind-blowing humidity levels that sometimes reach the 100% threshold makes harvesting a worrisome scene. To better gather the stacks and avoid the killing hotness, the harvest is divided into three separated acts, and it’s continued throughout September all the way to mid-October. During these couple of months, the summer sunbeams unmercifully on the farmers who have the courage and the skills required to climb the lofty palm trees and spend countless hours cutting down the ripe stacks for further industrialization.

Based on the 2015 dates cultivation reports, the total number of 180/000 hectares of groves in Iran produced over one million tons of dried dates, semi-dried dates, and fresh Mazafati dates back to the farming year 1999-2000. It’s not a far-fetched consumption that this digit has ten folded over the last decade and only seems to get higher (post-pandemic predictions).

Packaging of Noshid’s Mazafati Dates

At Noshid Exporter, the Mazafati dates are classified into two main classes: grade A and grade AA. Based on the desired quality and the destination, the packaging maneuvers will differ. Some of the ready-to-ship dates even are cast away under other labels and pouched as the company’s program to appeal to specialized orders from various vendors and buyers. These efforts create Noshid’s white-labeling method to meet particular client’s needs; the Mazafati dates, Kimia dates, Bam dates, and even Khajur dates, regardless of their current state (dried dates, semi-dried dates, or Fresh dates), will be bagged according to the customers preferred style. Here’s a quick look into how the different-leveled Mazafati dates are packed and shipped:

  • The grade AA dates are stacked in 400g, 500g, 600g, and 5kg pouches to meet consumer’s needs.
  • The grade A dates are packed in 500g and 5kg pouches as they seem to fit the market request.

As explained above, packaging formats can change across the Different Noshid’s Brands and date classes. At Noshid, they provide this alternative for customers of different cultures and backgrounds in compliance with their needs.

Preserving Mazafati Dates: Storage Conditions, Outdoor Preserving Possibility

The type of Mazafati dates you buy determines how you store them for them not to expire. For example, the fresh Mazafati dates have more humidity and water in the flesh, making them more susceptible to environmental hazards.

As scientifically described on sunexport.com:

“In the refrigerator, the growth of microbes and the activity of enzymes are less than outside. Due to the fact that dates have a lot of carbohydrates (sugars), it is a good environment for the growth of microorganisms, especially yeasts. Methods used to prevent rust corruption include drying reducing the number of microorganisms. Drying reduces the weight and volume of the product and makes transporting and storage easier. On the one hand, it inhibits the growth and activity of microorganisms. It contributes to increasing the shelf life of the product, therefore, fresh Mazafati dates are placed in the refrigerator. In general, the date can be kept for about 8 months in the refrigerator, but keeping the dried dates out of the refrigerator and the containers in the package is not a problem. Dry dates can hold up to one year in the refrigerator.”

You shouldn’t keep the fresh-picked Mazafati dates outside for too long since they won’t last. However, to further elaborate on what is said above, sometimes semi-dried Mazafati dates, and even better the dried ones, last for two years when kept in room temperature spaces. Studies have shown no sign of immediate threat to dates hold outside the fridge temperature in one year, and this shows that despite being fragile to microorganisms, dates are highly durable and hard-to-expire, a souvenir of the violent climate they are cultivated in and the harsh nutriment they receive. Long story short, tests show no signs of decay in dates quantitative and qualitative properties after a year outside.

In terms of storage conditions, dried spaces with low humidity will serve the dates best. You need to keep them out of direct sunray as much as possible, especially if you’re ordering in sizeable bulks, like the 500g or 1-kilogram proportions.

Noshid Mazafati Dates Uses & Recipes

The easiest way to consume these tasty and syrupy treats. First of all, and probably the most human way to gobble down one of these is to eat them off-hand like exactly under a tree on the harvesting side or at a famous Persian gather-around, while having to take out the stony seed. It’s merely impossible to find an Iranian household who doesn’t keep a type of Kimia Dates or Khajur’s dates and whether the dates still have their seeds or not, we recommend not rejecting the polite offer of having one.

If you’re in luck, you might get a hold of a bunch of seedless Mazafati dates which makes the whole process of cracking down on them a piece of cake. These are the most fun ones but usually people don’t go through the pain to pluck out the seed for the guests.

Speaking of cakes, as the world of cooking takes a turn for more exotic and weird recipes, Mazafati dates find more and more glory and recognition.

For the longest time, the traditional use for Mazafati dates was limited to everyday use, or for those with brighter minds in cooking, preparing specially-designed dishes and fancy platters. However, that has undergone severe remodeling in the past decade, so and we see more and more chefs discovering the wonders that different Mazafati introduce to hot or cold food. People, especially westerners, love to mix dates with different dishes varied in other daily meals. Today, a mixed porridge doesn’t seem that diverse without some chopped dates tossed into the bowl, or even a salad or some multi-stored breakfast waffles tend to benefit from some sliced Kimia dates scattered all over them. The possibilities are endless, and that’s why you shouldn’t take these cubed-shaped for granted: Banana-date smoothies, Oatmeal with Dates and Complimentary Figs, Kale and Quinoa Salad with Dates, and even a freaking Vegan Chocolate-Date Smoothie, all of which taste ten times yummier with Bam dates.

These trends have penetrated Iranian domestic markets as well, and scores of online recipe guides have surfaced in the past couple of years, describing to the Iranian consumers how they can make better use of the sliced and specially-shaped date bits. Today, many Persians reinvent their daily dishes with semi-dried Mazafati dates for more diversity than traditional dishes. Cooks are now preparing banana-date cakes with frostings, delicious morning French toast with dates, classical lamb-chop stew revolutionized with cooked dates, and even the benevolent date-bread flavored with coconuts and chili that leaves a huge question-mark gap in my brain. Although a mighty number of these dishes are not for everyone, whoever ravishes the Mazafati dates sweetness is in for a treat.

Mazafati Date Price, Noshid Pricing Methods, Wholesale Pricing

Noshid Dates is one of the leading Mazafati dates suppliers in the market, with years of shipping and delivering top-tier dates of all types under its belt. While some come to Noshid as potential purchasers, many other overseas importers and companies see Noshid as the most secure way to Iran’s vast and wealthy palm tree farms and date productions, as well as a giant player with nobody having the power to best them and their Mazafati Dates Wholesale Price.

As far as orders go, Noshid only accepts orders of eight tons or above. It’s evident that such a prominent figure in Iran’s Mazafati dates production field, Noshid takes in just convincing orders and relinquishes smaller ones to the small-time subsidiary or private-labeled third parties.

Private Labeling

Noshid offers to its clients the option for Private Labeling and alternative-branding. They are fully aware of foreign cultures and market-places and how some branding remodeling needs to happen to specific Mazafati dates and its subsidiary commodities to become more acceptable in a new market. To meet this demand and take care of partners’ branding requirements, they can help with any private-labeling effort and put forth their consulting experiences for better market saturation.

Price Query

Due to uncertainties and fluctuations in the market and the fact that Noshid sets unbeatable prices, dishing out exact costs at the time of this piece is not available, confusing buyers. To counter this problem, however, and to give full closure on exact Mazafati dates price and pricing methods to partners, Noshid has allocated a “Price Query Green Button” at the bottom of each specified date landing page. This intractable button redirects the questioners to a Whatsapp support number to attain the latest information on Mazafati dates pricing and other factors regarding the precious yielded fruits.

Grading and Its Effect on Pricing

Regardless of the type, the grading system conventionally adds a little flavor to the finishing price and impacts it. Either Mazafati dates, Piarom dates, and even the magnificent Sayer/Esta’maran dates come in a broad range of types, sizes, tastes, humidity levels, individual qualities, and characteristics, which leads to grading the dates. After the grades have been sorted out and the dates categorized, a more calibrated pricing is announced.

For example, Kimia date (basically the exact Mazafati dates) is packed in three different grades – all compliances to the eight-tons order policy.

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